That’s right. Andy surprised me by meeting me in Paris. I have never been so surprised in my life and it was completely wonderful. I am the very luckiest of ladies. But it gets even better!

We tried and failed twice to go to the Louvre. Apparently, we’re bad at reading hours on the internet and also knowing what day it is. On our second attempt, we resolved to sit around in the Napoleon Courtyard while the sun set. As we sat there, I thought about how perfect and utterly romantic every second was and then it got even more of both those things. Andy got down on one knee and proposed. I said yes. I am going to marry my favorite person in the whole world.
I cannot wait for us to start this new phase in our lives. Everything is perfect and I could not have dreamt myself so happy.
*I must thank Marne for taking tons of pictures of me freaking out when Andy showed up and for helping Andy with his secret plans. Marnz, you are a delight.
1 Comment
I’m so happy for you both. :)
Emily’s smiles are so big in those pictures, I’m so happy they were caught on film, er, SDCard.